Friday 7 June 2013

Father’s day & yoga at the Breath of Life

Father’s day & yoga at the Breath of Life

Its curious that in the West yoga has been marketed overwhelmingly to women while the men have been somewhat left in the cold to find release through more ‘traditional’ forms of physical exercise, while in the East yoga was traditionally only practiced by men. 

One reason the Western man has shunned yoga is the erroneous belief that it is not strenuous enough for them!  Any man reading this who has done a yoga class will be able to vouch for the fact that this is pure myth! In reality it is an intense hour or 90 minutes where you are able to stretch your self in more ways than one.   

However, now Yoga is moving into a new era where we are beginning to see just as many men in a class as women – some of the most unlikely of suspects are turning their day to their mat as they salute the sun for both physical and mental release of the pressures of city life.

To celebrate Fathers day next weekend and to give a shout out to all the dads that haven’t come into contact with the transformative effects of yoga, gift your dad with a Breath of Life Yoga voucher.

At the Breath of Life we offer two types of yoga; Kundalini Yoga and Vinyassa Yoga.  While both focus on your breath Kundalini Yoga is known mainly for its exceptional personal transformational ability, while Vinyassa Flow is more an energetic and physical set of postures that detox you both mentally and physically.

At the Breath of Life we believe whole heartedly in the power of yoga and its lasting ability to bring about change within the individual, we believe it is an essential part of healing to put the care of ones health back into the right hands… your own. 

So this Fathers day offer the gift of physical and mental transformation to your Dad and change his old ideas that yoga is just for the girls!

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