Wednesday 13 August 2014

August - Time for you - this is your month

The ingrained body clock of the school calendar has always felt like August is a much anticipated golden month of REST!!!  With schools out and businesses quieter this month offers more flexibility and rest from the general day in day out grind!!! 

For many of us as employees, fathers, mothers, teachers, partners, carers and mangers we naturally lose ourselves in order to support others.   This month is particularly good to look at how you can create better changes to support yourself and understand more about your needs.  If you are not clear about what you want someone else’s strong focus might take over and you find yourself swept up in something that isn’t yours.

You can only truly start nurturing yourself once you begin to recognise and focus on your personal needs.
Giving yourself this well deserved attention can take discipline.  It’s not always the easiest job.  Give yourself compassion and don’t look for perfection.

To assist with creating some focus and discipline there’s a couple of simple techniques that can help you to recognize your personal needs and how you can manifest them.

Simple Techniques
  • A meditation practices for just a few minutes daily a perfect exercise for those of us who have difficulty focusing (which is probably most of us).  Focus is like a muscle that needs to be toned and strengthened so that when you need it, you know it will deliver for you. Sit quietly and focus on the inhale and exhale of your breath.
  • Create a mood board - This can aid to focus, visualize and manifest your heart’s desires.  Mood boards can be created through drawings, collages (magazine cutting and photos) or even through pintrest.
  • Start a journal - Even if its just one line a day

We'll ne running an Autumn health and Kundalini Yoga Retreat on Nurturing Yourself, Bergerac, France, (9th -12th October) - link below, i hope you'll be able to join us 

Have a wonderful week ahead
Sat Nam