Friday, 14 June 2013

Yoga and Massage offer

Yoga and Massage offer:

Are you making the most of all the Breath of Life Clinic has to offer?

In order to get a full understanding and first hand experience of as much as possible of what the Breath of Life offers, we would like to offer you a voucher to buy as the perfect gift to someone or yourself; a voucher for two introductory yoga sessions and an hours rejuvenating massage treatment. 

This voucher is the perfect natural ‘pick me up’ honoring where our energy actually comes from…

In the city we are lead to believe that we can ‘gain energy’ from the likes of Red Bull, expensive coffee, ‘energy bars’ and many more gismos that ‘give us energy’.  With all of this advertising it is no wonder that we believe that energy is something we can ‘get’ by putting our hand in our pocket, paying for and then simply ingesting. 

Unfortunately its not that simple and this erroneous belief is leading us down a dangerous path of exhausting our adrenals to the point of no return. 

In Chinese Medicine it is understood that we are born with a certain amount of essential ‘energy’ (Heavenly Qi) and this amount varies for everyone, however, on top of this we also have ‘earned’ energy (Post Heavenly Qi) which is what we want to be using in order to fuel our daily lives so we don’t need to dip into that precious store of finite energy we were born with.  We have forgotten this very important fact in the West and do very little to make more energy naturally. 

When we drink coffee for example on a regular, consistent basis all we are doing is stimulating our bodies so that we ‘function’, however, by overriding our bodies voice which is saying ‘I am exhausted please let me rest’ we are forcing our bodies to tap into this precious finite energy source.  This is a vicious cycle as we all know and leaves us far more exhausted and strung out than before…

We have to give ourselves time to restore this ‘earned’ source of natural energy so that we don’t deplete ourselves too much which undoubtedly leads to disease.  In order to replenish this kind of energy we have to have a balance of work and rest, be eating a plant based diet with lots of nutrients and as little processed food as possible, laugh as much as we can, surround ourselves with those we love and develop energy enhancing practices such as Yoga and regular massages.

So today instead of making elaborate plans to give up coffee, take a gentle approach and see that your energy will really come from developing an energizing yoga practice and indulging in a massage from time to time to give your body the opportunity to repair and restore naturally

Our package is two yoga classes at the Breath of Life and a rejuvenating massage treatment with Philly for a total of £85

To book please call Natasha at the Breath of Life Clinic on: 02074863373

Friday, 7 June 2013

Father’s day & yoga at the Breath of Life

Father’s day & yoga at the Breath of Life

Its curious that in the West yoga has been marketed overwhelmingly to women while the men have been somewhat left in the cold to find release through more ‘traditional’ forms of physical exercise, while in the East yoga was traditionally only practiced by men. 

One reason the Western man has shunned yoga is the erroneous belief that it is not strenuous enough for them!  Any man reading this who has done a yoga class will be able to vouch for the fact that this is pure myth! In reality it is an intense hour or 90 minutes where you are able to stretch your self in more ways than one.   

However, now Yoga is moving into a new era where we are beginning to see just as many men in a class as women – some of the most unlikely of suspects are turning their day to their mat as they salute the sun for both physical and mental release of the pressures of city life.

To celebrate Fathers day next weekend and to give a shout out to all the dads that haven’t come into contact with the transformative effects of yoga, gift your dad with a Breath of Life Yoga voucher.

At the Breath of Life we offer two types of yoga; Kundalini Yoga and Vinyassa Yoga.  While both focus on your breath Kundalini Yoga is known mainly for its exceptional personal transformational ability, while Vinyassa Flow is more an energetic and physical set of postures that detox you both mentally and physically.

At the Breath of Life we believe whole heartedly in the power of yoga and its lasting ability to bring about change within the individual, we believe it is an essential part of healing to put the care of ones health back into the right hands… your own. 

So this Fathers day offer the gift of physical and mental transformation to your Dad and change his old ideas that yoga is just for the girls!